Sunday, April 27, 2014

RIP Daddy

Now theres is one aspect of father daughter relationships that I have been saving for the end because it would the hardest one to write for me. That reason is because that is how I live today.

How does someone deal with the lost of their father?  Losing your father is one of the hardest things anyone as to deal with especially if they were a big part of your life, like mine was. The only advice I can give you to anyone dealing with this is take it a day at a time.  It seems like it will never get better and it might not but you have to try. Everything can not go back to what it was but it is possible to make things better.

Everyday I think about my dad and ask myself am I making him proud. That alone makes me never want to give up. He is with me every choice I make and everything I do. I know that even though he is not next to me physically he is watching over me everyday. It is kinda cool to think about because I know he would not want anything bad to happen to me again so I know I am protected from whatever life throws at me. Though I cannot play my dad and I's  little game of saying "guess what?" and answering with "what?" and then ending with "I love you. " I know that he is showing that he loves me everyday!

But this issue of losing your dad is something that I have learned to deal with and if you are struggling with that I am more then happy to listen. I know I like talking through things in my head and having someone to listen helps me. I would love to hear stories about everyones dads! So email me at!

On a less serious note if you deal with a loss of anything.. maybe a hobby check out this blog.

I enjoyed my time writing even if no one reads this blog I had a good time typing!


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dads, You are still important!

Hello everyone this week's post is reminding you about all the father daughter relationships out there and how important each father is their little girl.

Father's and daughters are the purest relationship two people can share. A father is someone that the daughter can look up to. They can be the only person in a girl's life or a not so important part of their lives. When you look on it says a father is :a man who exercises paternal care over other persons; paternal protector or provider. Daughters need a protecter in their lives and who better to do it then their own fathers? I love hearing about different father/daughter relationships and seeing what they have done in their relationships. 

So in case you are tired of reading what I have to say below are several links about fathers and the importance of them. 

Our first link is about the influence that fathers have on their daughters

The second link is using psychology about a father daughter relationship. He does this by talking about his own experience. 

The third link is 29 reasons that there is no other bond like a father/daughter bond.

Then our last link is how to strengthen this special bond

That is it for today. The next post will be about my father daughter relationship. I hope you keep reading and and enjoy it all. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Adopted dads

Hey everyone this week is about guys and adoption. This is a really nice that parents will take in kids that are not their own. It takes a lot of guts to do something like that. I unfortunately do not have an close experience with adoption. So their is a link about different successful adoptions stories.  There is one story that every one is fimilar with and that is Despicable Me. Gru adopted three young girls and though he was going to use them for an evil plan he ended up being the worlds best dad in the end.

I hope you enjoy the stories below. If you have any stories about adoption please share them and tell me.My blog posts will be ending soon so it there is anything you would like to talk about let me know and I will be gladly talk about those issues. I think that it woudl be awesome to hear from you guys. So

Adoption Stories :

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Father/Daughter Activities

Hello everybody! This post is on the happier note and talking about father/daughter activities. It is important that a father and daughter can put time aside and hangout while doing something they both love to do. To set aside this time with their kids means you can get to know who they are and grow close relationships with your kids. This will be important so kids can come to you for their problems and lead them in the right direction. 

Most men think it is a nice idea and will take their daughters out for a movie night. So it can be a little father/daughter date and it is something most dads will take their daughters to do and it is fun to take their daughters out. After you have the memory of going to see the movie. 

Making memories will always be important to have. Someday the father won't always be there so to have the memories is something that the daughter can remember them by.  It is up to the father to make good memories. 

On the side there is a poll to take and it is your favorite father/daughter activity. 

That's it for now! 
