Sunday, March 23, 2014

"Dads" Part 1

I purposely used the quotes around the word dad. This post is a two part post and the other half will go up next week. This part is about "dads" who step into father figures in daughters life and the child is not biological his. Then the second half of the post will be "dads" who are fathers and are apart of a girl's life when they want to be.

This part is about dads who will father children when they are not even his. It is amazing to see fathers who jump into kids life for the sake of them being safe and living a happy life. Like I have mentioned before the men who decide that they are going to help kids no matter what the situation is it is awesome to see men doing something to selfless and only thinking about the kid's life. To be out there and help kids in those situations is really great for them because we you should be a role model for them. We all have had out role models and at some point they were even your mom and dad. A dad does not have to biological father. It is the man who takes care of you when you need it.

One good example of this "dad" is Philip Banks on the show Fresh Prince of Belair. Philip was will's uncle and through the TV series you see that Philip is a strong man in Will's life because that becomes his father.  Philip acts like a father by discipling Will and showing him the right direction in life. He also gives will hope that he can make it through anything. Inspiring children like that is important because who knows what  those kids might grow up to be.

SO thats all for this week make sure you come check back next week for new stuff! Next week is "Dad": Part 2. Thankks

Love you tori

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