Sunday, March 16, 2014

Step Dads

AND I'm back! Today's blogs is about step dads. I don't personally have a step dad and so I will share stories about my friends step dad's.

So I have one friend from high school who does not live with his mom but his step dad. So his story was that his mom and her son with Man#1 then things with his mom and Man#1 did not really work out. So mom went on the hunt for another guy and found Man#2. They all had a nice life together and then the mom started doing things like drugs and alcohol. So that caused mom and Man #2 to split while the mom got her things sorted out. This caused the son to have to live and move again but he really didn't like his new school. He wanted to go back and live with his step dad because he liked that school better and it was a safer environment for him. So while his mom was in rehab he lived with his step dad. To this day the mom is out of rehab but the son does not live with the mom he still lives with his step dad.

This story is a upsetting story but it does have a positive outcome. This type of step dad completely filled a strong father role in my friends life. He was an awesome step father and it really helped out with this child who was not even his. It takes a certain type of person to do that and Man #2 was strong enough to handle that situation and supply for that kid.

Though I do not have any crazy stories about bad step dads I have had heard some stories about men who are step dads that do not even talk to their new step daughters. That is not a good thing because that daughter or son does not have that need of a father filled. Every girl wants to have an Ariel and King Neptune relationship.

So that is it for today everyone I can't wait till next week and I will have a new topic for you guys! I have a quote for you guys to close this entry:

"It takes a strong man to accept somebody else's children and step up to the plate another man left on the table...."                       -Ray Johnson

Okay I'll talk to you later you guys

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